The networking manual you're not given when you start

A practical self-paced online course for those new to networking
Arming you with the attitude, skills, and systems to become a better networker, expand your network, and create deeper relationships.

Why The Networkers Playbook?

Start Watching The Course

John Carter

Entrepreneur and Growth Hacker

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"The course I wish had at the start of my career"

It's bursting with thought provoking, useful tips and information to equip anyone at any stage of their networking journey.

It's an invaluable tool I'll be continually revisiting. I almost don't want to share it with anyone for fear of giving away what I've learnt!

Chloe Turvil
Barristers Clerk

What You'll Get

33 lessons

2.5 hours of video content

Lifetime access & updates

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5 x Bonus Materials

34 Bite-size Lessons
2.5 Hours of Video Content

Lifetime access & updates

Lifetime Access & Updates
5 x Bonus Materials

33 lessons

2.5 hours of video content

Lifetime access & updates

This is some text inside of a div block.

5 x Bonus Materials

Get Lifetime Access

What's Inside The Course

Welcome & Networking Fundamentals

What You Can Expect

Why Networking?

What Is Networking?

Applying a Networkers Attitude & Approach

Why Does Attitude Matter?

Networking To Sell v Going To Be Curious

Leaving Your Ego At The Door‍

Thinking Beyond The Person

The Two Types Of Networker

The Best Time To Network

How To Network Consistently

Setting Realistic Expectations

Finding The Right Events

Considerations When Choosing Events

Your Target Market

The Organisers

Your Networking Style v Event Format

Time Of Day - Which Is Best?

Frequency of Events

The Stage Your Business Is At

Attending Events

Introduction - The Networking Event Sandwich Framework

Before An Event‍

During An Event - Joining Conversations

During An Event - In Conversations

During An Event - Leaving Conversations‍

After The Event - As You Walk Out The Door

After An Event - The Follow Up

Nurturing & Maintaining Your Network

The 12-4-1 Follow Up Framework

Tracking Your Networking

Wrap Up, Bonus Material & Lessons

A Note From Me‍

The Networkers Toolkit

Networking Events & Contact Tracker

[BONUS] Defining Your Target Market & Who You're Looking To Meet

[BONUS] Crafting Your Perfect Introduction

[BONUS] Become Better at Remembering Names

"It's short bursts of videos, at a really manageable pace"

The Networkers Playbook has improved my confidence when approaching conversations at networking events.

I liked how it supports you to choose the right events rather than going to everything, and helped me formulate a plan of what to do afterwards.

Jodie Anthony
Head of Marketing, Fundraising & Partnerships

Bonus Material

The Networkers Toolkit

30+ helpful resources to help you network smarter, not harder. Including podcasts, book recommendations, and more.

Networking Events & Contact Tracker

An online resource making tracking, reviewing and managing your networking even easier.

3 x Bonus Lessons

Additional lessons and material, including; defining your target market, crafting your perfect introduction, and how to become better at remembering names.

Worksheets & Checklists

Downloads throughout the course to help you implement what you learn. From a pre and post event worksheet and checklist, to defining your target market, and more.

Take Me To The Course

What Playbook Alumni Say

"It's helped make networking less stressful, and more enjoyable!"

The 'Networking Event Sandwich Framework' in particular provides a structured way to prepare for and follow-up after events, where I'd previously worry about what to say.

The course is presented well with clear structure, high-energy and sprinkles of humour.

Luke Comerford
Financial Adviser

"Invaluable for making the most of the time you spend at networking events."

I liked the bite-sized videos - easy to watch a couple when I had a quieter moment and meant I stayed engaged.

If you've ever wondered how to leave an awkwardly long conversation at an event or how to solidify a connection afterwards, this is the course for you!

Hannah Irish
Associate @ McGuire Woods LLP

"Improved my confidence when approaching conversations"

It's short bursts of videos, at a really manageable pace.

I liked how it supports you to choose the right events rather than going to everything, and helped me formulate a plan of what to do afterwards.

I have my networking action plan ready to go!

Jodie Anthony
Head of Marketing, Fundraising & Partnerships

"The course I wish had at the start of my career"

It's bursting with thought provoking, useful tips and information to equip anyone at any stage of their networking journey.

It's an invaluable tool I'll be continually revisiting. I almost don't want to share it with anyone for fear of giving away what I've learnt!

Chloe Turvil
Barristers Clerk

"Given me more confidence to navigate different types of networking events"

It's full of valuable information and acknowledges that networking isn't one-size-fits-all, presented in a way you can watch at your own pace.

It is an expectation that you are supposed to know how to network. But it made me realise networking requires continuous improvement.

Nathalia Cantor
Business Development @ BDB Pitmans LLP

Who the playbook is for

You're a good fit for the course if:

You're new to networking and at the start of your journey.

Your role means you are responsible for networking.

You know this course is a tool that will require taking action.

You understand that networking takes time, and is a marathon, not a sprint.

You're ready to become a better networker to help grow your business.

You're already networking and want to reassess your current methods and habits.

Who the playbook isn't for

You're not a good fit for this course if:

You think this course is going to lead to immediate growth and results.

You're not willing to do the unsexy work that's required to make your networking work.

You think this is a course that's going to teach you how to sell.

You don't have a long term focus and mindset on building a strong network.

You're not open to learning and changing the way you network.

You think because you've been networking for years you've got it all figured out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is doing this course important?

When you start out networking, you’re not given a manual or how to guide.

Before long, you’ve built up bad habits, you're attending the wrong events for you, you’re not gaining traction, and your networking motivation is fading fast.

This course is to help you avoid (or get out of) those bad habits, ensure you're attending the right events, and teach you how to network smarter not harder.

Why the heck should I listen to you?

I’ve both started a business and had a career in sales, where networking has been crucial to growing my network and building my reputation.

And like you, I was left to figure it out for myself.

Thankfully, I happened to start a business networking organisation and have now delivered 450+ events with 10s of thousands of attendees.

This course packages the 10+ years of experiences, insights, and learnings that come from having a front row seat to the best and worst networkers out there.

Is it actually worth the money?

It's taken me 10+ years of observing and learning from the best and worst networkers to acquire the knowledge inside the course.

What is an average new order value from a new customer or referral? Or how much would increasing an existing client's spend by 10% be worth purely from having a stronger relationship?

If you know that, I'm sure you'll see the potential ROI you can gain from this one off cost. And this is exactly what this course will arm you with the tools to achieve. And not just once, but multiple times.

Do I get lifetime access?

Absolutely. You can access it for as long as you'd like with no extra payment. Meaning every time I add to the course, or improve it, you’ll be first to know and won’t pay anymore!

How do I justify the cost?

Think of it this way; the cost of NOT doing the course is countless hours and ticket fees spent attending the wrong events, meeting the wrong people, and not getting any traction because you're networking ineffectively.

So if you value your time, this is an investment that'll pay you back in spades in years to come.

Most similar courses cost twice, if not more, as much. Why is that?

My goal was to produce a high value offering, at an affordable cost. Whilst I’ve prided myself on the production, it’s not winning any cinematography Oscars anytime soon.

It’s also not my main source of income, and I want to provide a resource for networkers to become better and smarter networkers.

One thing I can say, is that this is cheapest it’ll ever be - as the price will increase as new content and resources are added. The price you see today locks you in for lifetime access.

Who is the course for?

If you want to attend or are required to attend networking events as part of your role.

It's suited to new networkers at the start of their journey, to allow you to create consistent habits, and arm you with the attitude and approach to set you up for networking success.

Who is the course NOT for?

Those looking for a quick win who aren’t prepared to put what you learn in the course into practice.

I can’t guarantee you the next £10,000 deal, but I can promise you you’ll be armed with the methods, tactics and processes to attract them.

What if I don't have time to take the course?

Don't take it then. This course is for networkers serious about improving.

But the time you do invest in this course, will save you HOURS in the future. As you'll be attending the right events, meeting more of the right people, and you can say goodbye to drifting from event to event aimlessly.

Your future self will thank you.

The Networkers Playbook will continue to improve and expand

By purchasing the course, you will get lifetime access with a one-time payment.

I plan on continuously expanding it with new tools, content and lessons. You’ll get these additional resources and updates free of charge.

One Off Cost, Lifetime Use